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Topic: «Ignore deactivation timer , Add timer to "Ignore deactivation" » on forum: Feature Requests   Views: 409
David Fields
Registered user
Posts: 7
Joined: 05/15/2015
Posted: 03/06/2024 04:19:36
It would be very useful to have a timer for the "Ignore Deactivation" setting that is part of the "At Window Startup" options for specific windows.

For example, with Microsoft Teams, I want it to open to the "Chat" app.  In the "Old Microsoft Teams", the app would remember this, but the "New Teams", seams to always open to "Teams".  To work around the way the "New Teams" app works, I created some specific settings to issue some keyboard macros inside the app after it opens.  Unfortunately, the app seems to lose focus even when there is nothing else going on sometimes, which sometimes breaks the keyboard macro.  When I also set enable "Ignore deactivation", the keyboard macros works 100% of the time.  However, because of the way Teams (and other apps works), if another window opens (for example a Teams call), the "Ignore deactivation" setting gets applied to it as well. In the example of a Teams call, it means I can't answer the call for some reason. I'm not sure if its because the call window is a child process of the main Teams app, or if the "Target Window" settings are somehow catching the "call" window that opens. I seem to recall seeing this type of behavior in other apps as well when using the "Ignore Deactivation" setting.

Having a timer in the "Ignore Deactivation" setting would give the keyboard macro time to finish, and then the window could be de-activated without any issues.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4033
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 03/07/2024 10:38:58
Hello, David

Thank you for contacting us.

When specific settings are applied to windows the "Run keyboard macro" action should send key input to the windows even if they don't have focus.

Unfortunately, the app seems to lose focus even when there is nothing else going on sometimes, which sometimes breaks the keyboard macro.
How often the keyboard macro fails to work when you don't use the "Ignore Deactivation" workaround (for example 2 of 10 times)?

if another window opens (for example a Teams call), the "Ignore deactivation" setting gets applied to it as well
Does the Teams call window and the main Teams window have the same parameters (Caption, Class) i.e. is it impossible for our software to distinguish these two windows? If they have different parameters (for example different caption), you can create separate specific settings for these windows, so that the settings for the main window are not applied to the call window. Try to point the call window with the crosshair tool from the Target Window section of new specific settings to see the parameters.

Could you also send us your Actual Tools program configuration files (containing the mentioned keyboard macro) using the Send to Tech Support tool (Actual Tools program configuration module > Tools > Configuration > Send to Tech Support)? Add a link to this topic in the email.

Best regards.

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