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Topic: «Strange Windows Explorer Issue » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 148778
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4033
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 06/04/2018 19:01:01

At the weekend I will test:
- move down the monitor resolution when the problem has started
I meant the vertical position of the monitor, not resolution.

If the problem has started, all maximized windows are completely like ghosted.
But previously you've sent us the screenshot depicting that only stripes at the right and the bottom sides of the maximized windows were ghosted. Do you mean, now it doesn't look like this?

Yes, could you also please see whether the problem doesn't start at all and all other windows are maximized correctly on the primary monitor, if you maximize the Tabbed Explorer window on the secondary only (and probably then move it to the primary monitor via the window menu item or hotkey)?

Could you also try to enable the taskbar on the secondary monitor and see whether this influence the problem?

Best regards.
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Posted: 06/04/2018 19:35:12
Bogdan Polishchuk wrote:
I meant the vertical position of the monitor, not resolution.

This is only possible with the hardware buttons on the monitor, right?

technoid wrote:
If the problem has started, all maximized windows are completely like ghosted.

Bogdan Polishchuk wrote:
But previously you've sent us the screenshot depicting that only stripes at the right and the bottom sides of the maximized windows were ghosted. Do you mean, now it doesn't look like this?

Yes, the windows look like the screenshots, but they are completely ghosted. Maybe I didn't notice it before or that's new and it has changed through Windows updates or version 8.12.2.

Best regards
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4033
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Posted: 06/04/2018 21:27:52

This is what I'm talking about:

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4033
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 06/04/2018 21:48:24

Could you also tell what the taskbar location on the monitor is (bottom, left etc.)?

Best regards.
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Posted: 06/08/2018 21:04:12
The problem does also occur on the second monitor without a taskbar, when the tabbed Explorer is on this monitor. But then it doesn't occur on the first monitor.

It only occurs on the same monitor where the tabbed Explorer was maximized, independent of the taskbar.

When the alignment of a monitor was moved up or down after the tabbed Explorer (2nd monitor) was exited the problem isn't present until the tabbed Explorer is started and maximized again.

technoid wrote:
If the problem has started, all maximized windows are completely like ghosted.

Bogdan Polishchuk wrote:
But previously you've sent us the screenshot depicting that only stripes at the right and the bottom sides of the maximized windows were ghosted. Do you mean, now it doesn't look like this?

technoid wrote:
Yes, the windows look like the screenshots, but they are completely ghosted. Maybe I didn't notice it before or that's new and it has changed through Windows updates or version 8.12.2.

Only sometimes the maximized windows are completely like ghosted. Mostly they are ghosted as shown in the screenshots.

Bogdan Polishchuk wrote:
Could you also tell what the taskbar location on the monitor is (bottom, left etc.)?

The taskbar location is standard (at the bottom of the 1st/main monitor and this monitor is on the left side).

Best regards
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 08/15/2018 10:19:50
Hello  technoid,

Please check if the issue persists after the following steps:
1. Reproduce the issue;
2. Open Task Manager;
3. Kill the dwm.exe process (it should be automatically restarted after this).

If the issue persists, please temporary switch the resolution of your both displays from 1600x1200 to 1280x1024 and check if you can reproduce the issue.

Do you use standard DPI settings (100%) on both displays?
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Posted: 08/25/2018 04:50:37
Hello Vasiliy,

restarting of dwm.exe doesn't make any difference and changing the resolution to 1280x1024 also.

Also other windows (e.g. Windows Live Mail Client) showed the same black areas (which are like ghosted) as shown in den screenshot.

Vasiliy Ivachev wrote:
Do you use standard DPI settings (100%) on both displays?

The DPI setting in Windows is standard (100 %) and I think, that this setting is only global and can't be set individually for both displays.

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4033
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 08/27/2018 13:43:50

Could you do the following:

1. Reproduce the problem on one of the monitors;
2. Close Actual Window Manager completely and make sure the problem still persists for open windows;
3. See whether the problem persists for the windows you open after AWM has been closed;
4. Open Task Manager, end the dwm.exe process (it should be automatically restarted after this);
5. See whether the problem still persists for previously opened windows and for the newly opened windows.

Also performs the same actions, but under the number 4 instead of ending the dwm.exe process, change the resolution of the monitor where you have this problem from 1600x1200 to 1280x1024.

Let us know the results.

Best regards.
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Posted: 08/28/2018 00:29:31
Hello Bogdan,

after AWM was completely closed, the opened Explorer window has changed to normal display, but only this windows did this. The opened Live Mail client window stayed with its black and ghosed areas. I think that the reason was, that the Explorer window had the focus.

Closing and reopening a new Explorer Windows had the black and ghosted areas again.

Exiting the dwm.exe process doesn't made any difference in all situations.

Only after the resolution has changed, all windows went back to a normal display. The change of the resolution does not have to be confirmed. The 10 test seconds are enough.

All this happens only on one monitor and it is the one on which the tabbed Explorer windows was opened first.

Best regards
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4033
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 08/28/2018 06:50:06

Thank you for providing the information.

after AWM was completely closed, the opened Explorer window has changed to normal display, but only this windows did this
But the Explorer window changed its mode from AWM Tabbed Explorer to usual Windows explorer mode when you closed AWM? Then you reopened it also in usual windows explorer mode, right?

Have you tried to open other new windows than Windows explorer after closing AWM? Did they still have this problem?

Have you tried to open new windows after ending the dwm.exe process? Did they have black and ghosed areas?

Only after the resolution has changed, all windows went back to a normal display. The change of the resolution does not have to be confirmed. The 10 test seconds are enough.
Do you mean the open windows were further displayed correctly after the resolution went back due to the change wasn't confirmed?

What about newly opened windows? Did they not have this problem as well?

Best regards.

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